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New drawing
I recently finished a drawing from the early morning Roe deer shoot its A3 size on Bristol board.

Early morning Family outing
It's fantastic when a really early start pays dividends, this was a 5 am start and with a bit of commando crawling and silent steps I...

First visit of the year
Made the first visit of the year down to our local RSPB reserve Fowlsheugh, Not such a long trip as its only 5 minutes away in the car....

The Lookout
It was great to finally get this quite large piece finished recently, An Otter sitting on a rock contemplating who knows what-probably...

If you go up to the woods today
Here are some recent shots from up in our small hide in the woods just 5 minutes from my house. Of course I spend far too much time up...

Cairngorm Mountain Hares
Took a trip up to the mountains at the weekend, This was the first time I've laid eyes upon Mountain Hare they are pretty difficult to...

Kingfisher drawing
Just completed another Kingfisher drawing, again this was drawn from one of my reference pictures taken down in Galloway. I think this...

Autumn Berries
This years bumper crop of berries has seen quite a lot of Winter visitors such as Redwing and Waxwing visiting the NE of Scotland. Didn't...

Pine Martens and Squirrels
Spent a brilliant day and evening at Mark and Sue's Pine Marten hide in Perthshire. What a brilliant set up You couldn't fail to get...

Gannets, Troup Head
This was my second visit to Troup head I went last year for a day trip also. This has got to be one of my favourite spots for...
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